Resource Management

Optimise your team, tools, and time with streamlined scheduling and real-time updates.

Calendar Bookings

Optimised Scheduling to Prevent Double Bookings

Assign engineer bookings to projects or support tickets directly through the project or booking section, eliminating double bookings. All bookings are synced with Office 365 Calendars and go live on the app, where engineers can click the Google Maps icon for directions from their current location to the site.


Customised Labels for Clear Calendar Management

View all proposed and active bookings on an interactive Google Map, using coloured markers tied to calendar labels. Click markers to access project details, and filter views by static labels (e.g., company sites or engineer home addresses) or project-specific labels for a tailored overview.

Live Maps

Customised Map Views with Project and Static Filters

Easily search and filter customer sites and spaces to view of all installed products. Access full history, including data points, images, relevant files, and any associated helpdesk tickets. Track the entire lifecycle of each asset, from installation to maintenance. Additionally, the option to export product details via CSV.

Travel Times

Plan Routes and Travel Times with Ease

Plan an engineer or contractor's day using the live map and travel time checker. View all projects displayed on the live map, select a project marker, then click on another to instantly see the distance and estimated travel time between them.


Assign, Manage, and Track Contractors with Ease

Add contractors to the system under the contractor user type, assign them to a project, and control which details they can access. Include contractors in the booking calendar, and once they download the app, they can collect data and sign off projects with full functionality.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Yes, the Resource Management feature allows you to assign resources to specific projects or tasks, enabling precise tracking and management of resource allocation.
Yes,'s Resource Management provides real-time updates, allowing you to monitor resource availability and project progress instantaneously.
Yes, the tool includes automated alerts to notify you of potential resource conflicts, overbookings, or availability issues, so you can address them in real-time. Bookings can also be added as Proposed meaning you can provisionally book an engineer resource.

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